On Jul 21 2008, at 13:55, Jim Gettys was caught saying:
> > #6480 is fixed as of yesterday, should be in next joyride.
> > 
> > I'll be re-doing Nokia's patches so that they go upstream if we still want
> > them after 8.2 is out; however, I don't think the approach used by them 
> > actually 
> > helps us.  We already have a very limited amount of storage space and 
> > reserving 
> > space for the root user just reduces what the end user can actually use.
> IIRC, the issue is the GC runs more and more often the closer to full
> you run.  By reserving some space, you avoid the performance cliff.
> Since we expect to be running nearly full most of the time, it would
> seem to me avoiding this cliff is important.

I can go ahead and apply the existing Nokia patch into the 8.2 kernel as
a short-term measure but don't want to arbitrarilly choose a reservation size. 
Dave, do you have a suggestion as to what percentage should be reserved to 
keep the GC from going out of control? If not, we'll need to run some
performance tests to find the sweet spot.


Deepak Saxena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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