== 8.1.1 ==
Is 8.1.1 done?  It was due June 7.  According to
<http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_SW-ECO_5_Checklist> , the only thing 
left is for "The champion" to sign off; according to 
http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7014 , the only thing left is "finalize".

If/when 8.1.1 is done, should all G1G1 users update to it, or are
these dot-dot releases optional ECOs only intended for particular roll-outs?

== 8.1.2 ==
There's a SW-ECO_6 for release 8.1.2 (due yesterday ;-) ).  It implies 
the build for 8.1.2 is build 709, which Build Announcer v2 announced 
recently.  If someone makes a candidate out of this I'll gladly test it, 
its fixes sounds worthwhile.  (My developer key "will be ready in 8 
hours, 51 minutes" :-) )

On the subject of "more clarity",

* http://wiki.laptop.org/go/8.1.2 says
"No 8.1.2 release is currently planned with any certaintity"

* http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Releases and http://dev.laptop.org/roadmap
don't mention 8.1.2

* <http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Documentation_Projects#8.1.2> says "The 
current build is 8.1.1 (probably 708 still being tested). The next 
release in the current stream is 8.1.2 (711)."  I think "711" is a typo.

I'll gladly update the wiki with whatever you say, and I've got some 
ideas to reduce the overhead and overlap.
Thanks "champs"!
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