Regarding WPA support remember you have existing G1G1 users out in  
the wild using WPA plus a new G1G1 is scheduled for November time  
frame. It is also possible that a deployment or two use WPA.

There are suspend related bugs in 8.2-759.
1.) There is a nasty suspend related networking bug that requires a  
hard boot to get working again.
Turn on power management, let the laptop suspend, (screen dims), and  
then close the lid.  Open the lid again and the wireless connectivity  
is dead.  Sometimes you have to repeat the lid closing several times  
to get the network stack dropped.  Seems to happen the quickest if  
you have been using the network for a shared activity such as chat  
for a while. ( Bug does not seem to happen if ohmd is logging).
Once this happens restarting sugar will not revive it.  I have had to  
reboot to get wireless working again.

2.) I noticed in build 757 after opening the lid the system would  
attempt to connect to the last network device it had been connected  
to.  With 759 it looks for a mesh first no matter that you had been  
connected to an AP last.

3.).  If the laptop is in suspend, closing the lid does not turn off  
the backlight.  (I look through the USB port after I close the lid  
and the light is still on.  ).

Robert H.

On Sep 9, 2008, at 4:11 PM, Chris Ball wrote:

> Hi Martin,
>> Go for 8.2-759 - that's pretty close to being a release candidate,
>> and it's fairly good. Two things that hit mainstream usage and are
>> being worked on: bad WPA support, odd Out-of-memory situations -
>> activities get a kill -9 without so much as a "pardon me".
> I don't think we have anyone working on better WPA support, but I  
> might
> be wrong -- if this is important to you, make sure to let Greg know  
> you
> think someone should be tackling it as a release blocker.
> (Current 8.2 blockers:  <>.)
> - Chris.
> -- 
> Chris Ball   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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