Hey Richard!

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 5:39 PM, Richard A. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ricardo Carrano wrote:
>> confirmed that this B2 was updated to a recent build with q2e14. There
>> you go.
>> Let's see if the team have good skills with an iron...
> Ricardo,
> I'm sorry you missed my post on devel that e series firmware would brick
> B2's,
> Let me encourage you to replace that B2 with an MP rather than try the long
> path to recovery.  Do you even have the correct adapter with a 65Mhz
> oscillator on it and a 5 pin cable?
> Really the time for B2's is _way_ past. Let it rest in peace.
> --
> Richard Smith  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> One Laptop Per Child

Thank you for your care and advice.

This B2s belongs to a University in Rio, that actually has 23 B2s.
They are pretty useful devices for networking tests and I am helping
this group to mount a sparse mesh testbed with them. We already
"saved" this B2 by using his screen to replace the bad screen in
another one, so the group end up with the same 22 active B2s.

As people play with this B2s (and even brick them) we are forming a
group of people that will help us develop our mesh network. And though
the user experience cannot be simulated with the old B2s, there is a
lot that can be done with them, in terms of tuning the low level mesh

I still have my own testbed with B4 models and my G1G1 unit. ;-)

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