Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Fedora 9, using F9's revisor which has not changed in a while...
>  - last week, I was able to invoke revisor and create a new installer
> CD without any problem...
>  - this week, buildinstall dies, and if I enable logging it complains
> missing anaconda-runtime
>  - this is looking at a local copy of the 'release' repo - I rsync'd
> it earlier today, but IIRC it had not changed...
>  - my custom packages have changed a little bit, but none of them
> required anaconda-runtime
>  - I have been experimenting with a different version of revisor -
> I've nuked /var/tmp/revisor* - perhaps state got saved anywhere else?
> Adding anaconda-runtime to the kickstart file that drives the process
> fixes the problem. It's not a problem I was expecting to have though
> :-/
> In any case, am I missing any factor that could be messing up the process?

Yea, revisor needs anaconda-runtime,
cat /usr/lib/revisor/scripts/F9-buildinstall | grep anaconda

name=anaconda repo
name=anaconda extra repo $n
BUILDARCH=`repoquery -c $yumconf --qf "%{ARCH}\n" anaconda-runtime`
yumdownloader -c $yumconf anaconda-runtime || exit 1
rpm2cpio anaconda-runtime*rpm | cpio --quiet -iumd './usr*'
rm -f anaconda-runtime*rpm
     if [ -n "$UPDATES" -a -f $UPDATES/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/$f ]; then
     cp -a $UPDATES/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/$f* $BUILDINSTDIR/
     cp -a $BUILDINSTDIR/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/$f* $BUILDINSTDIR/

Anaconda-runtime needs to exist in the repo that you use for the 
compose, but doesn't need to be in the kickstart file. Too bad, you have 
to add anaconda-runtime to the kickstart file, to get the package into 
the compose repo, in order to use it later in buildinstall.


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