a few random observations that i had today, prompted by scott's

    - while people don't tend to name their jpegs (today), they
        do tend to group them into folders (e.g. "vacation_pix").
        the equivalent of this in a tagged world would be bulk
        tagging.  i assume scott has thought about this in his
        UI, though i don't recall noticing it.

    - likewise, removing all the files in a directory, or moving
        half of them elsewhere (imagine rearranging the photos
        you just pulled off the camera), implies that there
        should be equivalent tag operations for doing bulk tag
        removal, and bulk tag editing.  (note that this need is
        independent of the path-component-as-tag feature -- these
        operations are simply required of any system intended to
        replace hierarchy with tags.)

    - jim made the observation that he found himself using tags
        less and less over time, once he realized that the
        full-text indexer he was using made traditional "filing"
        unnecessary.  i've found the same thing (i index my MH
        mail folders with mairix) -- but i do still use folders
        (i.e., "tag equivalents") to make it easy to retrieve
        things for which i think i may not remember the right
        search terms later on.  and of course i especially use them
        when the tags (folders) can be assigned automatically
        (with sort filters).  all of which is to say that i view
        tagging as an extension of full-text search, not a

    - we need to be mindful of erik's concern that if the goal is
        to solve the problems deployments are reporting, whether
        with file management or anything else, that we not
        over-engineer the design in a way that keeps us from
        finishing the implementation.  while our mission may be
        to build something "better", we shouldn't let that get in
        the way of building something that, while "old", is very
        useful.  (e.g., if we haven't made enough progress on the
        "real" solution, and kids would be best served in 9.1 by
        a file manager activity of some sort, then we should
        provide one.)

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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