On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 9:33 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sure, that's fine.  but i think we need to keep thinking about
> how to support of non-, or not-fully-sugarized applications with
> every new feature we do (as well as with every revision of old
> features).

I've got a half-baked idea about support 'view source' in unmodified
applications using a similar mechanism to the one I'd considering for
Translate.  This might give a better 'default' behavior for some
activities written in python, but I like Tomeu's approach for the
rest.  And the general idea of having a standard mechanism to register
your own 'view source' handler is great.  Maybe I'll get some time to
hack that up before Nov 17.  In any case, I look forward to Tomeu's

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