Eroni Tuiloma wrote:
> hello .

> ive been having problem with version 0.5 in the sense that
> 1. eth0 - main interface for WAN works fine as in it picks up the ip-address
> from the isp/dhcp
> 2.eth1- the LAN interface does not seem to function at all as a dhcp server
> . ive looked at the networking scripts for 0.5 and to my understanding
>           a) upon installations /etc/sysconfig/olpc-scripts/network_config
>           b) output of the network_config files is
> /etc/sysconfig/xs_network_config

That sets the server role/number

>           c) on running domain_config script .. output file is
> xs_domain_name

and the domain name for bind/dhcpd

> Now for the interfaces all configuration is kept in
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
> i stand corrected if im wrong .
> These configurations include
>                 ifcfg-eth0 - ethernet0 (WAN)
>                 ifcfg-eth1-ethernet1(LAN)
>  however ifcfg-eth1 is a bonded interface according to its config file
> ifcfg-eth1 its ip address is determined by line 9 " $XS_LANBOND0_IPADDR "i
> understand that  simply put .. ip address is obtained from lanbond0 config
> file
> Therefore going to lanbond0 config .. the ip assigned by default is a static
> ip - <>
yup, that was added/changed to allow ap on eth1 to handle a larger subnet.

> Going back to the root cause which is why dhcp doesnt work , i dont
> understand the relationship between lanbond0 to route-lanbond0 and from
> route-lanbond0 to dhcpd-xs.conf and how these determine eth1 which on
> version 0.4 always had a static ip of and didnt give alot of
> issues .
Well, if you set the server number/role to "1" then 
landbond alias files. With the full blown "1" role you should have 3 
routes on lanbond0
That then should also enable the use of the dhcpd.conf.1, configure 
bind, and enable the web services. Should the server number be "2" then 
the ip mapping changes to exclude and the ipaddress' used 
in the alias files slide over by 1 as not to not clash with server1's 
layout, bind is disabled and dhcpd.conf.2 is used to hand out addresses 
on the mesh network only.

Ensure that you set both the role and domain name for the server while 
the network is stopped, saves seeing some error messages when you 
restart, then (re)start the network and restart all the web based 
services. or you could reboot.



> any help would be appreciated
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