Hey Martin!

The auth mechanism you mention is what we hoped for when we started working
on this project :) So I am glad there's ppl working on that! It will help
many other projects too, to have a reliable and secure auth mechanism to be
deployed on school servers.

We basically had to propose one ourselves for the project definition because
otherwise it wouldn't be approved but I personally think that having an auth
method based on the school server is the way to go !

We decided to run the app on the XO end for various reasons, but It would be
good to authenticate against the school server and route messages through
the school server anyways.

Yes I am only working in Uruguay.

Thanks a lot!


On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Martin Langhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> 2008/12/10 Marcel Renaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I will give you guys some background info on the project
> >
> > The goal of the proyect is to provide some way of communication beteween
> the
> > children who have an XO and their parents and family.
> Hi Marcel,
> the project sounds very interesting. We are planning on building an XO
> to XS (School Server) authentication mechanism that could give you the
> kind of authentication you are after. And it would be trivial to have
> webbased UI on the XS -- which already knows who the user is -- to
> send those messages (relaying them to your xml-rpm/soap service).
> I mention this as an alternative -- seems like you're on your way
> already in building something XO based, and that's a valid path too.
> But it's also a lot more work :-)
> Are you working in Uruguay only?
> cheers,
> martin
> --
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
>  - ask interesting questions
>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>  - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
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