Hi all,

As a person running some OLPC trials, I have been struck by the lack of
communication and technical peer support of deployments. I thought it would
be useful to kick off weekly meetups between people doing deployments to
share knowledge, ask and answer questions, and to generally touch base with
others doing similar projects :) Anyone is welcome, and I expect we'll also
see people from developer and other communities come along, but the focus
will be on deployers' needs.

Considering deployments are happening all around the world in all different
time zones, I've committed to running two meetings a week. One at 3pm
Tuesday Boston time, and one at 3am Wednesday Boston time and are expected
to last about an hour. This way no matter what time zone you are in, you can
meet up with others. If one meeting ends up being far more popular than the
other, then we'll just do just one meetup, and I've tried to choose a pair
of times that balance different regions I know are doing deloyments today.
Because I'll be facilitating both meetings, I hope to ensure we don't lose
information transfer between the different groups.

Appropriate info gathered will be documented publicly and hopefully the
deployment guide continually updated for others out of this process.
Feedback from deployers will also be fed back to developer groups and
hopefully this will help facilitate developers better understanding the
needs of deployments.

Meetups will be via IRC (which will make it a little easier to script into
other languages and to record) and a basic agenda will be maintained on the
wiki here:


Meetings to commence January 20th, and all details are on the link above.

Looking forward to meeting more deployment gurus out there and hearing about
the awesome successes we are all having around the world!

Please forward on to any lists or people you think will be interested. Thank


OLPC Friends                                         http://olpcfriends.org/
Linux Australia                                         http://linux.org.au/
Open Source Industry Australia                           http://osia.net.au/
Software Freedom Day                          http://softwarefreedomday.org/
                      "What are we doing today brain?"
              "We're taking over the world like we always do."
                           - Pinky and the Brain
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