On 23 Jan 2009, at 22:06, Gary Oberbrunner wrote:

> Hi folks.  I guess I'm somewhat confused with all the recent changes
> taking place in the OLPC/Sugar world.  I have an XO, and for a while I
> was keeping up with all the latest joyrides.  I think the last one I
> installed was just before the old joyride branch went away some time
> last year.  Now there's a new joyride, but it's known not to be stable
> enough for kid-friendly use, & that's fine.  But there's also Sucrose
> 0.83.4 which looks new & shiny.  Can I install this on my XO (and  
> how),
> or do I need to wait for a joyride build containing it?  I.e. is  
> sucrose
> an independently installable thing?  Sorry to sound like such a newb.

FWIW: I've been reasonably successfully running joyride 2631 on an XO  
for a few days now, and it seems to have all the 0.83.4 Sugar feature  
freeze changes in. Upgraded from an 8.2 (767) install so I'd have most  
activities, and get to test the migration from old data-store to new  
(i.e backup your important data, and don't expect to boot back to the  
old OS and still keep your old journal entries).

Downloaded the .usb and .toc to a usb key, and then ran 'sudo olpc- 
update --usb' as per usual and rebooted. Then went about getting  
latest joyride flavour activities using 'wget' and 'sugar-install- 
bundle' (old browse-101 won't start, and control panel software-update  

Here's a list of recent .xo bundles you'll likely not have if you've  
just been using the CP software-updater:

Write-61 (latest G1G1 is 60)

Browse-103 (latest G1G1 is 101)

Calculate-28 (latest G1G1 is 25)

Chat-62 (latest G1G1 is 48)

Read-63 (latest G1G1 is 52)

Etoys-99 (latest G1G1 is 94)

TurtleArt-24 (latest G1G1 is 10)

Image Viewer (not part of G1G1)

Terminal-21 (18)

Jukebox-5 (not part of G1G1)

You'll get to play/test new things like:

  - resume from home by default (BTW: it defaults to off)
  - activity name prompting when closing un-titled activities
  - new colour picker (Write)
  - Journal favourite filter
  - Access to XO home palette from your buddy icon in the frame

Some obvious current pitfalls:

  - Mic light stays on all the time, very big brother ;-)
  - Software-updater... doesn't (and is pointing to the old G1G1  
activity group anyway)
  - No working mesh network
  - Reasonably working AP network as long as you don't sleep/close-lid/ 

I've only just started finding/filling trac tickets for bugs I spot,  
would be great to get more of the braver XO owners doing the same.  
Also I'm sure feedback to the list about the new features would be  
very welcome, while there's still perhaps a little time to make  


I think the plan of action from SugarLabs is to get the Sugar-on-a- 
Stick working well enough for XO owners, so we can try/test all the  
shiny new changes from a USB stick while keeping our existing release  
OS and data intact. So for the XO owning risk averse, it's probably  
worth waiting for an official announcement regarding SoaS.

Happy testing!

> -- 
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Gary Oberbrunner                ga...@genarts.com
> GenArts, Inc.                   Tel: 617-492-2888
> 955 Mass. Ave                   Fax: 617-492-2852
> Cambridge, MA 02139 USA         www.genarts.com
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