On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Gary C Martin <g...@garycmartin.com> wrote:
> On 16 Feb 2009, at 05:32, Chris Ball wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Last I checked, it was either the firmware or the kernel changes
>>> that did it.  I posted my findings to the mailing list in the past
>>> two weeks.
>> I think your findings actually say "it was either the firmware,
>> kernel,
>> or something else altogether".  It'd be good to downgrade both at
>> once,
>> but still on candidate-800, so that we can check that at least *one*
>> of
>> the two is the problem.
> I should be asleep, but instead have been zigzagging through old 
> http://xs-dev.laptop.org/~cscott/xo-1/streams/staging/
>  staging builds testing WPA and the dialogue cancel dance for the
> last 4hrs:
> 790 working
> 4 working
> 5 working
> 6 working <-----
> 7 intermittent
> 11 intermittent
> 15 broken
> 800 broken
> Intermittent means it can occasionally associate with a WPA access
> point with no cancel dance, but usually I had to dance. Broken means I
> had to dance every time.
> One thing I noticed when testing the working 4, 5 and 6 that may help,
> is that if you do naughtily click an already connected WPA access
> point you'll get back to one round of the WPA cancel dance. If you
> make sure you first  select 'disconnect' then click the AP again, you
> get correctly re-associated, no dance required. This suggests that
> clicking a connected AP should either do NOP, or should at least
> disconnect properly before trying to connect again.
> The sound you just heard was my head hitting the pillow :-)

I reported this before with build 26 I believe, but it might be of use
to point out again. Also on 800, the ability of the XO to connect to
an AP have been greatly increased over 767. At the moment connecting
to a WPA ap succeeds one in two times. On 767 it varied from 1 in 5 to
1 in 10 to 1 in can't be bothered to try and connect to the fr!@@n
access point. I already supplied some logs, but if you'd like some
more specific testing output of our setup, I'd be happy to supply it.
Just tell what you want to know.

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