>> Did you properly configured ejabberd as explained in Gadget's README?
>> You should have something like that:
>>  {5560, ejabberd_service, [
>>      {ip, {127, 0, 0, 1}},
>>      {access, all},
>>      {host, "gadget.jabber.sugarlabs.org", [{password, "xxxx"}]}]},
>> Your gadget.config should match these params.
> AHA! gadget.config.

Fixed, restarted ejabberd and gadget but same error.

Startup of gadget says
2009/04/03 10:44 -0400 [-] Received SIGTERM, shutting down.
2009/04/03 10:44 -0400 [-] Main loop terminated.
2009/04/03 10:44 -0400 [-] Server Shut Down.
2009/04/03 10:45 -0400 [-] Log opened.
2009/04/03 10:45 -0400 [-] twistd 2.5.0 (/usr/bin/python 2.5.1) starting up
2009/04/03 10:45 -0400 [-] reactor class: <class
2009/04/03 10:45 -0400 [-] Loading /usr/share/gadget/gadget.tac...
2009/04/03 10:45 -0400 [-] Loaded.
2009/04/03 10:45 -0400 [-] Starting factory
<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory instance at
2009/04/03 10:45 -0400 [Uninitialized] <twisted.internet.tcp.Connector
instance at 0x94fbb2c> will retry in 2 seconds

Any idea how to debug?

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