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* Fast Review of the 6 latest (greatest!) HW/Project Proposals:

1. OLPC Tanzania HIV/AIDS Initiative [MIT, USA]

  Requests 30 XO's for 6wks

  Project Objectives:
  Practical HIV diagnostics are urgently needed in resource-limited
  settings like Tanzania. While HIV infection can be diagnosed using
  simple, rapid, lateral flow immunoassays, HIV disease staging and
  treatment monitoring require accurate counting of a particular white
  blood cell subset, the CD4(+) T lymphocyte. To address the limitations
  of current expensive, technically demanding and/or time-consuming
  approaches, we have developed a simple CD4 counting microfluidic device.
  This device uses cell affinity chromatography operated under
  differential shear flow to specifically isolate CD4(+) T lymphocytes
  with high efficiency directly from 10 microliters of unprocessed,
  unlabeled whole blood. CD4 counts determined in our device matched
  measurements by conventional flow cytometry among HIV-positive subjects
  over a wide range of absolute CD4 counts (R(2) = 0.93) during clinical
  trials at Massachusetts General Hospital. CD4 counts will be obtained
  under an optical microscope connected to OLPC in a rapid, simple and
  label-free fashion.

2. Preventing Diabetes Among Economically Disadvantaged New Mom's with Prediabetes [Saint Louis Univ, MO, USA]
Requests 250 XO's for 18-24mos

  Project Objectives:

  The primary objective of this application is to investigate the effects of
  an ehealth program targeted at new moms' at-risk of developing diabetes
  mellitus (DM). The intervention will adapt key aspects of the seminal
  Diabetes Prevention Project (DPP) lifestyle protocol, including  1) clearly
  defined weight loss and physical activity goals; 2) lifestyle coaches; 3)
  Intensive ongoing curriculum (initial 16 session core curriculum to be
  completed within the first 24 weeks after randomization); 4)
  individualization through a "toolbox" of adherence strategies; 5) Materials
  and strategies that address the needs of a diverse population of low-income
  new mothers; and 6) an extensive local and national network of training,
  feedback, and clinical support for the participants into a lifestyle
  intervention via email (i.e., ALIVE! Program). The ALIVE program has been
  shown to significantly improve self efficacy regarding change in diet as
  well as significant forward movement regarding readiness for change. The
  intervention draws from the theory of stages of motivational readiness for
  change for physical activity behavior and will take into account the
  specific social, cultural, economic, and physical environmental challenges
  faced by women of diverse socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. The first
  objective is to create the online protocol for at-risk new moms, to be
  accomplished by incorporating a transdisciplinary research team, bridging
  across the fields of education, psychology, medicine, nursing, and maternal
  and child health, linking biological and non-biological (i.e., social)
  determinants. The second objective, and overarching aim of this proposal is
  to test the effect of an ehealth program on encouraging women to achieve a
  weight loss goal of 7% of their initial body weight and 150 minutes of
  moderate physical activity (similar in intensity to brisk walking). The
  third objective of this proposal is to consider links between diabetes risk
  and social determinants of health, by exploring the modifying effects of
  demographic characteristics (i.e., race/ethnicity, age, education,
  urban/rural, and poverty status) on a number of variables including patient
  knowledge of diabetes risk, stage-of-change, stress, empowerment, and
  medical mistrust, to identify important differences between the two groups.
  This application is innovative in being the first, to our knowledge, to test
  an ehealth intervention designed to prevent DM among at-risk, low-income new
  moms. The intervention protocols will be designed for easy translation into
  clinical practice, to foster generalization should they be found to be

3. -- [Tabasco, Mexico]

  Requests 1 XO for 8 months

  Project Objectives:
  Project consist in developing a custom version of
  targeted for Kids that can run on the XO. Targeted builds will need to
  be tested on XO to optimize the performance for the XO architecture.

4. Intelligent Predictor Application for XO (Malaysia and Indonesia)

  Requests 2 XO's for 14 months

  Project Objectives:
  - XO as the medium for the application
- To test and show the capability of XO in running AI(Artificial Intelligence) program.
  - To stimulate the learning process for children who use XO.
  - Help children to think logically
- To assist any users of the application helping them to make a decision based on the model of knowledge they entered into the application

5. Rural Design Collective 2009 Summer Mentoring Program [sev locations!]

  Requests 5 XO's for 6 months

  Project Objectives:
  The Rural Design Collective is a remote mentoring program with a
  local focus designed to help motivated, creative people begin an
  independent career on the Internet. The mentoring program is
  structured on a three month time-frame where mentorees are matched to
  projects that suit their creative skills. The mentorees
  learn-as-they-earn, working on real projects that help their
  community or establish their credibility as a professional. They
  complete the three months with a real project and professional client

  The 2009 RDC Mentoring Program centers around the public domain and
  books. As part of this, the RDC will be outfitting six (6) XO laptops
  that were recently donated by the RDC and distributed to area schools
  and libraries with a collection of books from the Internet Archive
  Childrens Library (IACL). The mentorees will partner with a
  representative from the participating organizations to outfit the XO
  to their specifications and train them on the device. We will share
  what we learn by publishing our work on the web and installing the
  same bundles on laptops donated by the OLPC through the Contributors

6. San Francisco State University Lending Library [USA]

  Requests 10 XO's for 6 months

  Project Objectives:
  San Francisco State University would like to help OLPC by starting a
  lending library at the main campus. The purpose would be to help increase
  awareness of OLPC's goals by letting students borrow the XO computers.

  The project would allow students the opportunity to use their diverse
  backgrounds and experience to develop hardware and software for the XO.
  Students from many of the departments, such as Engineering, Computer
  Science, History and Art could be inspired to contribute to OLPC's goals
  once they are familiar with the project. Open source software would be
  used to track lending of the laptops, as well the inspiring ideas
  students may have.
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