On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 11:44:11AM -0700, Stanley Sokolow wrote:
> Personally, I feel it is a mistake for the OLPC project to continue with the
> concept of the Sugar platform as its exclusive model for an educational
> computer.    The Sugar applications (activities) could just as well be run
> from the Ubuntu desktop.   Then students would actually be learning in an
> environment that can take them into the real-world that grown-ups occupy on
> computers, when they are ready to go beyond the Sugar applications.

Remember, part of the point of Sugar is that the "real-world" UIs will
become more Sugar-like as they adapt to the way (designers think)
people think about using computers:


The point of sugar is far from "preparing kids for the real world".
It's probably more about "helping kids learn [about many more things
than computers]".

But this is quite well-trodden ground, so I don't think we're going to
contribute much new.

> Stan Sokolow


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