Hi Daniel,

This one-liner is useful to cross-check with our XOs listing and spot
out those laptops that might have activation problems during certain
periods (i.e.: vacations). 

Muchas gracias! 

diff --git a/oatslite b/oatslite
index cd8abf5..95f797c 100755
--- a/oatslite
+++ b/oatslite
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ class OATSRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
 		if cfg_get("serve_leases").startswith("y"):
 			lease = get_lease(dict['serialnum'][0])
 			if lease is not None:
+				syslog.syslog("Sending lease for %s" % rq_sn)
 				resp["lease"] = lease
 		if updates is not None:
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