
I am playing with the XO-1.5 that Adam sent this week. I love a lot of the 
features, but want to get updated so I can help test things.  I have printed 
out the instructions for updating and have run into a few snags.

First, I don't know how to tell if the machine is secured or not.  As a 
"developer" machine it should be unsecured, but the firmware version doesn't 
show up on the start-up banner. As a matter of fact, there is no start-up 
banner, leading me to suspect the machine is secured. I was able to find the 
firmware version (Q3A11) in the "About My Computer" section.  I need to get to 

Secondly, I tried to do the update online on the XO, following carefully the 
instructions on the q3a18 firmware section of the wiki.  No matter what 
variation of the commands I enter it comes back with "No such file or 
directory" or "command not found".  Maybe I have a syntax error of some type, 
but I have tried several variations with no luck.

Any suggetions?

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