El Fri, 06-08-2010 a las 14:02 -0700, S Page escribió:

> If a USB olpc-update isn't possible, I'll have to flash my XO-1 and
> lose my work.  Release notes say only, "Make a copy of any data you
> wish to keep"... how?

Knowing that olpc-update was not going to be a viable solution in the
field, we worked on making it easy to backup, reflash and restore.

Dextrose now comes with an easy to use function to backup and restore
your journal to the schoolserver or to a USB stick. In the future, we
could enhance the journal UI to allow browsing the entire backup history
and moving individual items back to the journal.

We've been testing this procedure with 5th and 6th grade children for
the past month and it works great after fixing various issues with
schoolserver registration. Now, all I have to do to get an entire
classroom updated is prepare 3 USB sticks, hand them out to the children
and go drink tereré until they return the USB sticks.

Sweet! :-)

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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