On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 8:02 AM, Dr. Gerald Ardito
<gerald.ard...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am very interested in this functionality and that of using WeDo Robots.
> Would this be available for the XOs? Both versions or only the XO 1.5?
> How would that work?

It's a headline feature for 11.2.0 which is planned to be XO-1 and
XO-1.5 . Unless we hit unexpected problems, XO-1 is supported.

If you look under the hood, it will be a bunch of rpms that get
integrated into 11.2.0, plus activity updates that make good use of
them. In some cases, actiivites already support boards / robots so
what happens is that it is now covered by our QA work, so bugs will be
discovered and fixed.

Crafty adventurous people can probably get them installed on 10.1.x
:-) but that'll be unsupported.


 mar...@laptop.org -- Software Architect - OLPC
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