On 06/14/2011 05:42 PM, Luke Faraone wrote:
> This is a vote to determine the suggested license for future releases
> of Sugar. This poll will run from right now until Wed Jun 29 2011 at 
> midnight UTC-4.

Sorry for the late update; the reporting mechanism for our voting
software temporarily broke.

Summary: the winner was **GNU GPL version 3, or any later version**.

## Results Details ##

55 out of 217 eligible members voted, or a little more than ¼.

The full results of this election ranked the candidates in order of
preference (from most preferred to least preferred):

 1. GNU GPL version 3, or any later version
 2. GNU GPL version 2, or any later version
 3. Don't know or don't care

Each number in the table below shows how many times the candidate on the
left beat the matching candidate on the top. The winner is on the top of
the left column.
        v3      v2      DC
v3      --      34      37
v2      21      --      42
DC      18      13      --

Based on a sheer count of 1st place votes, v3 received 49% of the vote,
v2 received 29% of the vote, and the apathetic position received the
remaining 22% of the vote.

Full details (and alternative election method calculations) are visible
at the Selectricity page linked in the original voting ticket email.


Luke Faraone
Sugar Labs, Systems
✉: l...@sugarlabs.org
I: lfaraone on irc.freenode.net

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