On 28 July 2011 21:08, Yioryos Asprobounitis <mavrot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> For what is worths, with the increasing size of the builds I had posted [1] a 
> crude script I was using to remove dri, firmware, extra locales and 256x256 
> ions (61Mb worth on os874) which people used, and I did not hear any 
> complains, yet ;).
> Going back to the issue of size, it would appear that in os1 tmpfs size 
> (114MB)  is subtracted from the available storage.
> Thus even if os1 is ~660MB the free space is only 270MB, since /dev/ubi0_0 is 
> only 898MB instead on 1024M (for mtdblok0) in os874.
> Is this something specific to ubifs or a configuration issue?

I'd be interested to know how you pulled up those numbers, but I doubt
that they are valid. Calculating the amount of free space on NAND is a
complicated issue, and even more complicated when UBI comes into play.
And UBIFS provides much more conservative free space readings than
jffs2, which often tells you that there is more space available than
there actually is.

That's not to say there isn't an issue here (there may well be), but
you need to prove this with a test that looks at the quantity of data
that can be stored.

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