On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 3:15 AM,  <da...@lang.hm> wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Jan 2012, Peter Robinson wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Martin Langhoff <mar...@laptop.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Peter Robinson dixit:
>>>  "OpenOffice.org (the 10.3.x series for XO-1.75) is built. It'll be
>>> signed and pushed out to the mirrors shortly."
>>> Yay! I'm looking forward to testing this one! Gotta give it a couple
>>> hours to be on the mirrors :-)>
>> Its signed and on its way out to the mirrors.
>> "yum list openoffice,org*" will give you a list of a lot of packages
>> including various language packs. "yum groupinstall office" should
>> give you all the core bits.
> how does OOo compare in compiled size with Libreoffice (which is what most
> distros are shipping nowdays). I know that Libreoffice has removed a ton of
> unused source from the project, but I don't know what the result is in terms
> of the size of the binary.

Mute point really, the major reductions in size are in the latest
devel release and it would be significant work to get that into the
11.3.x release for either the x86 or arm platforms. Significant work
that would likely need library updates and various changes so not
something we're going to do for already stable 11.3.x.

On the other hand for the 12.x releases we'll get the latest version
for free as we're rebasing to F-17.

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