This build includes several bugfixes in the graphics driver and sets
AVC touchpad configuration to the desired "4F" settings.

Download from:


 - An earlier accidental update to TurtleArt 130, has been reverted.

 - The kernel is still configured to disable serial output during
suspend/resume -- this helps s/r stability. As a result,
output over the serial port is less useful than in previous builds.

Fixes (please help us confirm):

#11196 some 1.75 touchpads "wander" in ebook mode
#11321 Write freezes laptop on scrolling
#11399 [CL2]Press enter many times in write activity and system will hang up.
#11350 Cursor has dots around it
#11430 Xv / mmp-camera output corrupt after suspend/resume
#11256 Browse scrolling freezes session
#11489 HW Cursor corrupt after S/R

--- os24/xo1.75/os24.packages.txt       2012-01-11 20:29:06.000000000 -0500
+++ os25/xo1.75/os25.packages.txt       2012-01-19 08:55:48.000000000 -0500

--- os24/xo1.75/os24.activities.txt     2012-01-11 20:29:06.000000000 -0500
+++ os25/xo1.75/os25.activities.txt     2012-01-19 08:55:47.000000000 -0500

-- -- Software Architect - OLPC
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
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