On 01/31/2012 11:43 PM, Paul Fox wrote:
sridhar wrote:
  >  We are considering disabling Automatic Power Management because of its
  >  impact on collaboration and 3G connectivity.
  >  What kind of battery life can we expect from an XO-1.5 with Automatic
  >  Power Management disabled as opposed to enabled? I understand that
  >  this can vary wildly with usage, but is there an average estimate?

he's on a very long plane flight, but i'll try and channel richard:

     "it depends."

how did i do?  :-)

You have learned well.

Sirdhar: Unfortunately theres no way we can answer your question ( or even make a SWAG) without known how much idleness is in your normal workload. Automatic Power Management only makes a big difference if there is a lot of time spent idle. If you are running Tam-Tam the entire time then turning off aggressive suspend/resume will make zero difference.

powerd tracks this though so if you can collect some powerd logs from some of your users then we can make a guess at figuring out what your impact will be.

powerd logs are located in the ~olcp/power-logs directory. Copy all the files in there off of several machines that have been used in the classroom and send them to me and we can take a look at what sort of profile you have.

What build are you basing your images off of?

Richard A. Smith  <rich...@laptop.org>
One Laptop per Child
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