I'm just installing onto a jffs2 XO-1, no building, just an install, so I
did the basics: an install then the copy.  Did I miss something in the
install that left the old files around?

Kevin - I've for years been removing the old files manually.

What I do after the 'uname -r' is 'rpm -q kernel'. That gives me the full name of the kernel that is not running. Then I do 'rpm -e ...', specifying that obsolete kernel_full_name. I begin to finish up with 'find / -name ...' (where ... is a unique string extracted from the full name of the deleted kernel). Typically there will be leftover files within /versions/pristine/883 . I manually delete those. [In my opinion, the principal nand-space user is the leftover /lib/modules/,,, from the previous running system.]

Of course, if the new kernel you installed did not come from a fully-functional rpm, then little things (like drivers) might stop working. If you wanted to no longer use the new kernel, but had deleted the previous kernel, you couldn't go back (e.g., by manually changing the pointers in the /boot directory <as used by OFW>) -- you would need to do a complete re-install.


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