On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 9:26 AM, Martin Langhoff
<martin.langh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This won't provide uniqueness between 12.1.0 build 3 and 12.2.0 build
>> 3, for example, but I don't think we are shooting for perfection in
>> terms of conflict avoidance, right?
> Hmmm. Maybe we can "shift our window" a bit, and drop the decade to
> pick up the major release.
> So 12.1.x ==> 21, and 12.2 ==> 22

One imperfection raised here is for point releases. We have been
inconsistent in the past with what we do for development builds of
point releases - sometimes we have reset to 1, in other cases we have
incremented over the development build number of the previous cycle.

For 12.1.1 would you reset to build 1 (causing a
potential-but-harmless name conflict), or would you continue on from
the last build number of 12.1.0?

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