DISCLAIMER:  I am not asking for help;  I'm just sharing my experiences.

With q2f11.rom on one of my vintage-1997 XO-1s, I could __not__ install ('copy-nand') os12 (12.1.0) from an USB stick -- sooner or later OFW always stopped on a "file read error". I finally flashed q2f05.rom to that XO-1. Then the 'copy-nand' ran flawlessly (same USB stick).


p.s. I also tried q2f11jb.rom - and nearly bricked the XO-1 (I do not have security deactivated). Turns out q2f11jb would __not__ read my "permanent" SD card (which has file develop.sig on it). And the previous (failed) install attempt had erased develop.sig from nand. Lots of fun trying to replace the q2f11jb rom with a rom that would stop at the ok prompt.

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