> Prepared this report using Browse with google docs -- everything worked
> well. However browse but still hangs logging in to Zimbra.
> Distance works on XO-4! But it doesn’t between XO-1.75 and XO-4. Distance
> should be removed from the XO-1.75 if it can’t be fixed. This is
> laptop.org #11596 and #12606.
> In Chart you can load data from other apps, once on one laptop the dialog
> to choose from the journal appeared behind chart giving the impression it
> wasn’t working. We had about 8 dialogs stacked up behind chart before we
> discovered. We noticed this in the context of Write in our March 2nd
> session and wrote up a similar report.
This looks like http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/4414 . Manuq, erikos, can
you confirm if the fix was in os3?

> A normal shut down of the laptop using the power button seems to loose
> recent (or maybe all?) changes in Write. This happens every time.

I can't reproduce this issue. Looks bad, if you have more info please tell

> Most of but not all of the time, the first time you access the font combo
> in write, you cannot scroll down. Once you scroll to the top you can’t
> scroll at all. Closing and re-opening the font combo fixes this. Sorry,
> didn't have time to open tickets for these.

Is a problem in the combo, see http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/4447

> The sound of the Sarangi in Tam Tam mini has a high frequency crackle on
> XO-4 C1. The speakers in our B1 are loose so it’s hard to tell if it has
> the problem. XO-1.75 does not have this problem.
Dsd reported we have a regression in sound quality from os2 to os3, but I
have not confirmed it yet.

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