 From: Holt <h...@laptop.org>
To: XS Devel <server-de...@lists.laptop.org>; Support Gangsters 
<support-g...@laptop.org>; Devel's in the Details <devel@lists.laptop.org> 
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 3:44 PM
Subject: [support-gang] 1TB drive of quality open content on XO/XS--won't boot

Is there a way to boot a large USB hard drive attached to an XO?
The XOs (eg. XO-4 etc) refuse to auto-boot, leaving the screen at the OK prompt.
Does firmware currently block the mounting of all large USB drives -- NTFS in 
this case if not other filesystems?
Might there be a workaround so isolated XO servers in Haiti (etc!) can 
hopefully auto-boot with this quality free content?

My general impression is that NTFS being a non-unix FS(file system) is not 
greatly supported(which is not to say it has no support, but less than ideal) 
by linux(the kernel) and I'm guessing by the much smaller OFW there is even 
more limited FS options, so I'd guess it doesn't support it. So my view would 
be to format the drive with more likely supported FS like fat, ext2,ext3, 
ext4(not sure)?  
I'm not sure of the XO-4 issue. I'd expect an XO to look for a bootable drive 
(internal, external) and then some kind of network option. And it would fail if 
none were found and then show the OK prompt?  But there might be an issue that 
is related to attaching a usb-powered? usb drive at boot? See if it recognized 
by attaching the drive after the XO boot, if it does, then its related to the 
OFW FS support or some other boot issue.
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