On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 9:55 PM, James Cameron <qu...@laptop.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 04, 2013 at 07:16:11PM -0300, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
> > I did another comparison, between  13.2.0 os11 and os883 (sugar 0.94)
> > You can see the results here:
> >
> > https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=
> > 0As_jQJX0Me6XdDI2clFpX1FFRHhKMHVFZGkyakdST2c&usp=sharing
> Good data, thanks.
> > Metodology:
> >
> > * The activities were started from the listview, then are new instances
> > * The start up time is the time reported by sugar in the log.
> A few questions to help with interpreting this data:
> - was this on an XO-1 or XO-1.5?  I ask because it would help with
>   comparing against other models.
> - what memory size?  I ask because if memory is scarce, startup time
>   will be increased.
This was with a XO-1 C2 with 256 MB (SN SHC84203538)
Is the only XO-1 I have.

> - did you start these activities twice and measure the second startup
>   in order to exclude caching effects, or did you only measure the
>   first startup?
Only run one time every activity

> - was the system rebooted between each test, or were caches already
>   populated?
Didn't rebooted after every activity.

> > The column start  up difference, if negative, the time was improved.
> > I added a column to show what activities were ported from Gtk2 to Gtk3.
> > In the case of Read activity, the mechanism is confused, because the old
> > activity
> > opened the ObjectChooser in a new instance.
> > I don't know what happen with Scratch.
> >
> > Some activities had a lot of changes, but other like Distance or Implode
> not,
> > and looks like the change to Gtk3 add a penalty.
> However there was also a change to kernel and Fedora version.
Yes. And changes in libraries, then is difficult point to any particular

About how the time is measured, I am using the time printed by
jarabe/model/shell.py line 566

The shell monitors the window opened event, and have some logic
to detect if is the splash screen or the main window activity.
I think is similar to what Hal is proposing.

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