Auckland Testing Summary 6 July 2013
Who: John, Tabitha, Tom

Testing XO-system 1a For XO-4 (build 46)
Sugar 0.98.7
Firmware Q7B35

Found that my previously described customization script was not working right -- the /etc/sysconfig/keyboard change is overwritten during first boot! Updated the customization script to also hack olpc-configure. Will look at options to do this better later.

Found that this build does not include the Maori translations for sugar itself. Worked with CJL to get the language pack into the customization script. We’re not sure how we missed this as we have done a moderate amount of testing with Maori in previous builds, perhaps we saw the activities translated to Maori (activities are built differently) and just didn’t notice that sugar itself had no Maori.

The language selector is awful. It’s slow to appear, the drop downs don’t work the first time you use them and they scroll very slowly compared to the number of entries but too fast to easily spot your desired language. Sometimes when changing the language, when you click the restart now, nothing happens. If you click restart later and then restart the whole laptop the changes seem to take affect.

Some activities that we were expecting to be there, were not (maybe we are getting confused between builds prepared for different deployments). There is no GetBooks but there is Read (without any books!). There is also no Infoslice. There is no SocialCalc. There is no eToys.

In Browse we went to and tried to use the touch screen to write in the search but that didn’t work, you had to use the touchpad button to activate the search box. You also couldn’t just touch the button that starts the search, you had to use the touchpad button (or enter key). You could however use the touchscreen to select the activity to go to the activity page and touch to select download. Activities did however download successfully, install and run (like the Music keyboard activity btw). There used to be a menu on the left side of the homepage in Browse but it has gone on all the XO-4 homepages. You used to use that menu to access maps, images and sound files, as well as any published Infoslice activity.

Maze works.
Paint works well with touchscreen.
Physics works well with touchscreen.
Implode works well with touchscreen.
Portfolio works.
Measure works well with touchscreen.
Labyrinth works.

Write works and the Maori Macrons (now, after some changes) work. The insertion of a table changes the font to times new roman which is not actually a listed font available in Write.

We’re not sure if there is a camera in the XO-4 SKU 303 serial SHC318001EC we just got from Australia, there is something there but it is at best mis-aligned. This laptop did get banged against a wall on it’s handle while it was closed. The direction of the impact was mostly parallel with the plane of the shut laptop and wasn’t too severe. Could this move the camera in the body of the laptop and also break it? Firmware camera test fails, record behaves reasonably (it only offers to record sound). Barry reports the second XO from the pair in this shipment has a working camera. The XO-4 we got from Boston does recognise it’s camera on and it can take high and low quality video well. Will take photographs and wait for advice before opening.

Moon still fails to start when the XO language is Maori. Previously reported in Clock - loving the new grab hands feature, still doesn’t talk when XO is in Maori. Maori issue also reported in the same 3971 ticket.

Labyrinth and Maze are both called Kōwhīwhiwhi - suggests an inappropriate translation of Labyrinth (guess it should be translated to a word more appropriate for brainstorm/mindmap activity).

On some laptops terminal is called Terminal and on others it is called Kāpeka.

WikipediaEN has not had an activity name translation either but this might be deliberate.

Turtleblocks activity has a partial translation inside the activity due to new blocks being added. The name of the Turtleblocks activity has not been translated (but again that might be deliberate).

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