This is fantastic - well done!

I've been out of the OLPC/Sugar world for a while now, but just yesterday I
was extolling the virtues of Sugar at a meeting in the university where I
work. Our vice-chancellor has challenged us to come up with innovative
learning ideas, and I was using Sugar as an example of what can be achieved
through creative thinking. I'm going to point everyone to Sugarizer so that
they can try it out for themselves :)


On 21 May 2014 22:25, Lionel Laské <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm proud to announce the fourth version (0.4) of Sugarizer, a taste of
> Sugar for any device.
> To remind you, Sugarizer reproduce main features of Sugar in
> HTML5/JavaScript. Sugarizer also expose these features to allow running in
> a browser Sugar Web activities wrote for Sugar 0.100+.
> Sugarizer is available from a browser or as an Android application.
> New in this version:
>    - Three new activities:
>       - Tank Operation: a Tuxmath like activity, practice math facts in
>       an arcade game,
>       - TurtleJS: a TurtleArt like activity. A taste of TurtleArt for any
>       device !
>       - ChatPrototype: see below.
>    - Sugar compatibility: Sugarizer could now be used as a developer
>    platform for Sugar-Web activity. So, developers could now develop Sugar
>    activities only with a browser and a file editor. Resulting activities will
>    work without any change on Sugar 0.100+.
>    - Improve Journal view: rename, delete and popup menu.
>    - Server collaboration: Sugarizer Server now allow each user to
>    publish local journal content to the Server. Just go to the journal view
>    and access to your private or to the shared journal zone. Plus, if you keep
>    in mind your user id (in settings/server), you could use the same settings
>    (name, color, language, private storage) from different computers.
>    - Presence API prototype: Sugarizer include a first prototype of
>    Presence API and a Chat test activity. You could chat with all other users
>    on the same server.
>    - Server connectivity to Client: The Android Client has capacity to
>    connect to a Sugarizer Server. Just go to Server settings: check the
>    connected checkbox and set your user id. You've now capacity to start your
>    work on your PC then update it on your tablet !
>    - Improved Android experience: Lot of issues related to Android
>    environment has been solved.
>    - API to server features: all server features are exposed as REST/JSON
>    interfaces. So, developers could easily access to all server contents from
>    any client (including, why not, the real Sugar journal).
> Hope you'll enjoy it and you could say: "Yes, I want to Sugarize the
> world".
> Do not hesitate to fork and contribute.
>                Lionel.
> P.S.: Thanks to Jorge (TurtleJS activity), Suraj (Presence and Chat
> prototype), Ignacio (Spanish translation) for their contribution to this
> version.
> P.P.S.: For a visual demonstration of Sugarizer and this new version, you
> could see my talk at SugarCamp Paris #3 here:
> --
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