In a second test, using the machine without 
external power,  the warningless shutdown happened 
at about 25% charge level.

From:   Richard Smith <>, Tue, 1 Mar 2016 21:45:14 -0500
> As others have said your battery is probably just showing its age.  1.5 
> was built in 2010-2011 so unless you got a new battery its 5 or so years 
> old. 

The machine was used when I purchased it about 
three years ago.  Likely the battery was original 
then and I have not replaced it since.  Yes, this 
is probably the factory original battery.

> If you do run the capacity test I'd be interested in seeing your results.

I've glanced at .
Will have to read more carefully before trying 
a "capacity test" and collecting any power log.

FWIIW, a full charge in the battery still runs the 
machine for more than an hour.

Any comments about having the battery rebuilt 
by a local shop vs. trying to buy a replacement?

Thanks,                 ... Peter E.

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