Message: 1
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2020 11:41:33 +0000 (UTC)
From: Yioryos Asprobounitis <>
To: "" <>
Subject: XO1.75
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hi list
I dug out my XOs to check their condition and my XO-1.75 (SKU203) refuses to 
boot as if it was wiped out clean or has no microSD card at all.
The screen comes up and nothing further.
Firmware check just show a double zero [00] 
Trying to install a fresh OS from USB fails (with the same double zero)
A fast wiki search did not come up with anything relevant.
If someone can point me to the right direction I would appreciate it.


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 2020 05:37:38 -0700
Subject: Re: XO1.75
Message-ID: <E1jhY4w-0008AS-MT@joule.invalid>

From:    Yioryos Asprobounitis <>
Date:    Sat, 6 Jun 2020 11:41:33 +0000 (UTC)
> The screen comes up and nothing further.

ESC doesn't give the prompt of the Forth PROM?

> Firmware check just show a double zero [00]

Hardware diagnostics?  Rocker left cheat code.

Regards,                            ... Peter E.

Tel: +1 604 670 0140            Bcc: peter at easthope. ca

Thank you Peter,
But there is no way to get to the Forth PROM or get hardware diagnostics or 
anything on the screen other that the 2 big zeros mentioned above.
Looks like there is no firmware in this machine! 
As if the eMMC is wiped clean or missing.

This XO has a serial port connection attached
Any diagnostics through this?


PS: Sorry for the miss formatted response. My mailer is not list-friendly

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