I ran into this issue as well.  In my opinion this is a limitation of Mono.
Mono should look in the path of the running EXE or DLL.  To truly embed mono
in an application this would be ideal.


Basically you have setup an env variable or place the dylib in a default


On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 9:18 AM, marc hoffman <m...@elitedev.com> wrote:

> Laurent,
> im getting the following error, although the dylib(s) *are* deployed in the
> MacOS folder of the .app bundle. Snow Leopard 10.6.2, using the current
> stable version of Mono.
> 11/22/09 3:14:57 PM     [0x0-0x5df5df].DAServer6[29474] Unhandled
> Exception: Monobjc.ObjectiveCException: The 'libmonobjc.2.dylib' library was
> not found. Please check that you have correctly installed it. --->
> System.DllNotFoundException: libmonobjc.2
> 11/22/09 3:14:57 PM     [0x0-0x5df5df].DAServer6[29474]   at (wrapper
> managed-to-native)
> Monobjc.Runtime.ObjectiveC20.NativeMethods:setLifecycleCallback
> (Monobjc.Runtime.RuntimeBridge/LifecycleCallback)
> 11/22/09 3:14:57 PM     [0x0-0x5df5df].DAServer6[29474]   at
> Monobjc.Runtime.ObjectiveC20.ObjectiveC20Bridge.SetLifecycleCallback
> (Monobjc.Runtime.LifecycleCallback callback) [0x00000]
> 11/22/09 3:14:57 PM     [0x0-0x5df5df].DAServer6[29474]   --- End of inner
> exception stack trace ---
> 11/22/09 3:14:57 PM     [0x0-0x5df5df].DAServer6[29474]   at
> Monobjc.Runtime.ObjectiveC20.ObjectiveC20Bridge.SetLifecycleCallback
> (Monobjc.Runtime.LifecycleCallback callback) [0x00000]
> 11/22/09 3:14:57 PM     [0x0-0x5df5df].DAServer6[29474]   at
> Monobjc.Runtime.RuntimeBridge.get_Current () [0x00000]
> 11/22/09 3:14:57 PM     [0x0-0x5df5df].DAServer6[29474]   at (wrapper
> synchronized) Monobjc.Runtime.RuntimeBridge:get_Current ()
> 11/22/09 3:14:57 PM     [0x0-0x5df5df].DAServer6[29474]   at
> Monobjc.ObjectiveCRuntime.DefineClass (System.Type type) [0x00000]
> 11/22/09 3:14:57 PM     [0x0-0x5df5df].DAServer6[29474]   at
> Monobjc.ObjectiveCRuntime.ScanAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly)
> [0x00000]
> same app that ran fine with the previous Monobjc (which did not need the
> unmanaged dylib).
> any suggestions?
> marc
> On Nov 11, 2009, at 7:33 PM, Laurent Etiemble wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have finally come to a solution regarding the Snow Leopard support:
> > I have introduced a native library into the bridge to avoid the
> > reported crash on Mac OS X 10.6 [1]. After reviewing all the
> > feebacks[2][3], I came to the conclusion that a native library was the
> > only solution to:
> > - avoid the native/managed cross-calls when a thread exists and
> > dealloc its exit notification
> > - avoid the Mono runtime hacking (the Mono team is not really for it)
> >
> > The preview of the new release of the bridge is available for
> > download: http://downloads.monobjc.net/Monobjc-2.0.436.0.tar.gz
> >
> > Here are some noticeable points:
> > - the bridge now requires two shared libraries: libmonobjc.1.dylib and
> > libmonobjc.2.dylib (They are used for each version of the Objective-C
> > runtime). You have to put them in the MacOS folder of the application
> > bundle. Refer to the samples applications to see how you can simply do
> > that.
> > - the dealloc method is no more overriden. When using this version,
> > you will see a bunch of errors related to that. A search and replace
> > should do the trick.
> > - I saw some crashes on PowerPC G4 machines with Mono 2.6. Please use
> > Mono 2.4 as it is known to work ok.
> > - I think there are still some hidden issues (performance, optimization,
> etc).
> >
> > Can you please provide feedback on:
> > - the platform you are testing on (OS and Processor)
> > - the Mono version you are testing with
> > - the kind of application you are testing
> > - the result (work or crash)
> >
> > Thank you to everybody who has helped, and happy testing.
> >
> > Regards, Laurent Etiemble.
> >
> > [1] https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=537764
> > [2] http://www.mail-archive.com/us...@lists.monobjc.net/msg00251.html
> > [3] http://www.mail-archive.com/us...@lists.monobjc.net/msg00286.html

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