Yo Jeff

Couple of things you might want to add:

1. RedStorm design - what are we going to do about the RTE?

2. Multi-cell RTE - I've been working on this (finally set it aside to
complete the scalable startup stuff first), but it is complex and might
merit some discussion with those interested.

On Mon, 2005-07-18 at 09:34, Jeff Squyres wrote:

> Here's the topics that I have for the July meeting (did I miss 
> anything?).  I don't really have a schedule -- only some things need to 
> assigned times (e.g., the collectives meeting(s)).
> - All: Current status, future plans/goals (presentation from each
>    organization)
>    - Jeff: IU
>    - Tim: LANL
>    - Ralph: ORTE
>    - Rainer: HLRS
>    - George: UTK
> - All, Tim: overview of PML/BTL interface and design
>    - Retire teg/PTL?
> - All: SC, Euro PVM/MPI, LACSI planning
> - All, Brian: what you need to know about the new configure.m4 system
> - All, Jeff: build system changes
> - All: discussion of others coming into the tree (e.g., IB vendors)
> - All: processor/memory affinity
> - All: project split issues
>    - tools in wrong trees (abstraction issues)
>    - wrapper compilers for ORTE/OPAL?
>    - #include files
>    - any final cleanup moving between opal/orte/ompi trees
> - All: MCA issues
>    - Framework hiding / re-entrance (e.g., ompi_info)
>    - How to have multiple PML's without re-initializing BTLs/PTLs?
>    - Better guidelines for framework/component "open" calls
>    - Separate function for framework/component MCA parameter 
> registration?
>    - Frameworks as DSOs
> - Jeff, Ralph: simplifying GPR access (if possible)
> - Red Storm sub-group: current status and future plans
> - One-sided sub-group: current status, SC plans, future plans
> - Fault tolerance sub-group:
>    - Integrating LAM-style coordinated, synchronous checkpointing
>    - How to do other kinds of checkpointing (e.g., FT-MPI, MPICH-V, etc.)
> - Collectives sub-group (including Access Grid participants):
>    - New framework (coll v2)
>    - Using btl's
>    - Striping
>    - Non-blocking collectives
>    - ...?

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