The new MCA param API has been committed. I request that you start converting over your components to use this API as soon as convenient -- for one thing, the [new] ability to pass in a help string describing the parameter is a major benefit to users (and forgetful developers ;-) ).

There are 2 main functions (one for int, one for string -- they're both similar, so I'll just show the int function):

int mca_base_param_reg_int(const mca_base_component_t *component,
                           const char *param_name,
                           const char *help_msg,
                           bool internal,
                           bool read_only,
                           int default_value,
                           int *current_value);

Everything is documented in opal/mca/base/mca_base_param.h (doxygen), but here's the quick version:

- This function is slightly different in name from the old functions ("reg" vs. "register"); the old functions still exist so that we don't break the code base. However, I'd like to remove the old ones someday in the not-distant future (and therefore get rid of the similar-but-different function names).

- You pass in a pointer to the component and the param name. The framework and component name are derived from the component pointer.

- It is strongly advised to supply a help string that describes what the parameter is, how it is used, and what its legal values are (don't worry about word wrapping -- just one long string is fine). This string will be displayed in ompi_info output.

- You can set the param to be "internal", meaning that it won't be displayed in ompi_info (by default), and also set it to be "read_only", meaning that it's considered to be information only and cannot be changed at run time (e.g., a string indicating what version of GM the GM BTL component was linked against).

- Finally, if you supply a non-NULL pointer for current_value, it will lookup the current value and return it to you. This prevents you from needing to do a two step register-then-lookup, as we have done in many of the components.

The string version is essentially the same -- just s/int/string/ in the function name and change the "int" params to "char *".

There's also 2 functions for non-component-related parameters (e.g., MPI-layer parameters; they take char*'s for the type name instead of a pointer to the component) -- mca_base_param_reg_{int|string}_name(). See mca_base_param.h for details.

{+} Jeff Squyres
{+} The Open MPI Project

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