Finally, the new latest changes on the data-type engine get committed. It took a lot longer than expected but everything is now a lot easier to understand (ok this sentence is very relative), smaller in number of functions and a lot faster. The idea was to make the pack/unpack for sparse data-types as fast as possible but as a side effect the convertor management get slim-fasted (Netpipe on SM show improvements for all sizes in order of 2-5%).

I'll continue testing it but please help me. If you do not plan to make performance tests then compile in debug mode as in this mode the data-type protection mechanism will print a lot of information if it detect that something bad happens (like writing outside the user space buffer ...). If suddenly your program start dumping a lot of text please copy it in the email where you report the bug, and it will make the debugging process a lot faster for me.


"Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it so that the other half may reach you"
                                  Kahlil Gibran

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