Just recently finished checking. For the collection of Linux hosts I have access to, the probe results are the same regardless of the choice of set or get. I agree 100% that "get" is a safer probe.


Jeff Squyres wrote:
On Dec 9, 2005, at 3:06 PM, Bogdan Costescu wrote:

     rc = sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(mask), mask);
This changes whatever affinity might have been set before this check,
for example by a (smart, don't know if such exists now) batch system.
I haven't checked if it's possible, but I think that a similar
solution based on sched_getaffinity would be much better, as this
would not disturb the current settings.

Paul and I were discussing this earlier (off list). He was investigating doing the same check with sched_getaffinity() -- I don't know if he has finished checking into that already.

{+} Jeff Squyres
{+} The Open MPI Project
{+} http://www.open-mpi.org/

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