Adrian Knoth <>:
>    b) fails to complete (see attachment), the errors are all
>       related to lex.

What are the flex versions used on these systems? On Debian stable it is
flex 2.5.31 and on my Gentoo box it is flex 2.5.33, both giving correct

I'm using the same VPATH setup like Adrian and during the build process
opal/util/show_help_lex.c is *neither* touched nor modified. It is just
compiled to build/ARCH/opal/util/show_help_lex.lo as it is supposed to


Dipl.-Inf. Christian Kauhaus                               <><
Lehrstuhl fuer Rechnerarchitektur und -kommunikation 
Institut fuer Informatik * Ernst-Abbe-Platz 1-2 * D-07743 Jena
Tel: +49 3641 9 46376  *  Fax: +49 3641 9 46372   *  Raum 3217

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