Hi all -

I just finished committing the event library into the trunk. Unfortunately, because the event library was not imported using a vendor import 2 years ago, I had to do some things that made SVN a little unhappy. The good news is that the next libevent update will not require these changes. The bad news is that you have to follow some special instructions to properly update your SVN checkout. In particular, you need to completely delete the opal/event directory, then run svn up. If you svn up'ed before reading this e-mail, just rm -rf opal/event and svn up again. All should be good.

After updating, you *MUST* re-run autogen.sh and configure (sorry!).

Because I was already making everyone re-run autogen.sh, I also committed some code to opal that made the code to print a backtrace from some #ifs in opal/util/stacktrace.c to a full-blown framework. Terry added support for Solaris the other day, and I figured out how to support OS X. This made three possible setups, and OS X required a bunch of files, so it seemed that a framework was needed.

Two notes about the OS X stacktrace support. First, it doesn't print a useful stack for 64 bit binaries yet, but I'm working on it. Second, there are some warnings about C++ comments in the code. PLEASE DO NOT FIX THESE. I will be fixing them shortly, but need to find a way that doesn't make future updates impossibly difficult.


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