FYI. The MPI Forum is re-convening to make some corrections to the MPI-2 standard. Note that this is *not* a call for new features to MPI; it's a call for help in fixing the bugs in the current MPI-2 spec. Bill Gropp's e-mail below briefly describes the current state of affairs and gives a URL containing more information (including how to join the mpi-21 mailing list).

NOTE: Pardon the posting to multiple lists simultaneously -- the intent is to spread this message far and wide to find people who are interested in helping with defining MPI (be warned: Rusty Lusk correctly characterized this as "grubby, grubby work"). These four lists share a common listserver; it should be smart enough to only send this message once to people who are subscribed to more than one of the lists in the "To:" line.

Begin forwarded message:

From: William Gropp <>
Date: February 9, 2007 10:35:18 AM EST
Subject: MPI 2.1

Welcome to the MPI 2.1 discussions

The MPI 2.1 web page is available at mpi2_1/. This page contains a link to the current errata discussion (please use this link through the forum page, as we may move this page in the future). You will find on this page many issues that have been raised and are still open, as well as a draft ballot for the third round of errata items. All items are open for discussion and new items may be submitted to or to

The first order of business is to determine the rules for voting. The rules that the MPI Forum has been using are posted on the MPI 2.1 web page (; the history of errata votes (linked off of that page) shows which institutions have participated in the last two ballots. I suggest that we discuss updates to these rules to address the fact that we probably won't have face-to-face meetings, at least in the beginning. Then the current voting members (based on the last two votes) can vote on that rule change.

Discussions of the technical issues can start at any time (in fact, the page of issues has been available since before the original errata discussions). Send mail about these issues to mpi-21@mpi-


Jeff Squyres
Server Virtualization Business Unit
Cisco Systems

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