On Apr 2, 2007, at 10:23 AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:

On Apr 1, 2007, at 3:12 PM, Ralph Castain wrote:

I can't help you with the BTL question. On the others:

2. Go through the BML instead -- the BTL Management Layer.  This is
essentially a multiplexor for all the BTLs that have been
instantiated.  I'm guessing that this is what you want to do
(remember that OMPI has true multi-device support; using the BML and
multiple BTLs is one of the ways that we do this).  Have a look at
ompi/mca/bml/bml.h for the interface.

There is also currently no mechanism to get the BML and BTL pointers
that were instantiated by the PML.  However, if you're just doing
proof-of-concept code, you can extract these directly from the MPI
layer's global variables to see how this stuff works.

To have full interoperability of the underlying BTLs and between
multiple upper-layer communication libraries (e.g., between OMPI and
something else) is something that we have talked about a little, but
have not done much work on.

To see the BTL interface (just for completeness), see ompi/mca/btl/

Jumping in late to the conversation, and on an unimportant point for what Pooja really wants to do, but...

The BTL really can't be used directly at this point -- you have to use the BML interface to get data pointers and the like. There's never any need to grab anything from the PML or global structures. The BML information is contained on a pointer on the ompi_proc_t structure associated with each peer. The list of peers can be accessed with the ompi_proc_world() call.

Hope this helps,


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