>===== Original Message From Brian Barrett <bbarr...@lanl.gov> =====
>On Apr 19, 2007, at 8:38 AM, Aurelien Bouteiller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am experiencing several fancy bugs with ORTE.
>> All bugs occur on Intel 32 bits architecture under Mac OS X using gcc 4.2

The bug you fixed is fixed. Thanks

>Fixed as of r14440.  Was caused by a faulty compiler hint that
>allowed the compiler to optimize out some much needed checks on the
>> The other one occurs when running MPI program without mpirun

Unfortunately my Mac is gone for repair at applecare. I installed everithing 
on a Linux box but I am unable to reproduce the error. Outside of the OS, most 
softwares are the same version, exept I use gcc 4.1.2 instead of gcc 4.2 
(testing). I will try to see if moving to gcc 4.1.2 (stable) fixes the bug as 
soon as my mac is back.

>As of r14440, I'm unable to replicate, but it could have been one of
>those getting lucky issues.  Can you see if the problem is still
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