Thanks Ralph! (Adding to this thread; I think others may be interested, such as Myricom and QLogic)

How do we get access to these values; are they in global variables somewhere, or do we make a function call to get them?

On May 21, 2007, at 7:58 AM, Ralph H Castain wrote:

Well, it took awhile longer than I had thought to get around to dealing with this. However, I have finally put this functionality in the OMPI trunk as of

The local rank and number of local procs now get passed as part of the ORTE
name passing system. So, once you get through orte_init (specifically,
stage1 as this is broken out in mpi_init), you have both those pieces of
information available to you.

Let me know if you encounter any difficulties.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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