On Jun 17, 2007, at 7:32 AM, Markus Daene wrote:

3. I think it will not be possible to use the OpenFabrics kernel/user
stack. The machine was installed by SUN, it seems that they did not use the one from OpenFabrics. I guess it will be a hard discussion to change this and we cannot do this by our own, we will eventually loose the support.

Gotcha.  I certainly cannot speak for Sun.

But I would assume that, just like Cisco, Sun is driven by customer requests. Meaning that it takes users asking for features before they become available and supported. I.e., the fact that you asked for OFED (assuming that other users are also asking for OFED) will probably help Sun in setting priorities for deciding what to install and support, etc.

My point is: you have nothing to lose by asking. All they can do is say "no", but you are providing valuable feedback to Sun just by asking.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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