Hello Peter,

in 1.2.2 the allgatherv is called from coll basic component, and is implemented as a gatherv followed by a broadcast.
The broadcast is executed with single element of MPI_TYPE_INDEXED.

The decision function in coll tuned makes mistake of using segmented broadcast algorithm for this case (which results in sending single segment possibly using pipeline -> bad performance).

I will fix this in the trunk and ask for it to be moved to 1.2.2 if it solves the problem.


On Tue, 26 Jun 2007, Peter Drakenberg wrote:


When running the Intel MPI Benchmark (IMB) on our cluster
(Sun X2200M2 nodes, Voltaire DDRx Infiniband, OFED-1.1) we
see rather strange (i.e., unreasonably bad) performance for the
Allgatherv part of the IMP when using OpenMPI-1.2.2. The
performance figures reported by the IMB are provided immediately
below, and the corresponding figures for Voltaire's MPI
implementation (which in most cases performs worse than
OpenMPI, but not in this case) is provided further below for

Best regards,

 Peter Drakenberg

OpenMPI-1.2.2 results

# Benchmarking Allgatherv
# #processes = 128
# ( 128 additional processes waiting in MPI_Barrier)
      #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
           0         1000         0.27         0.37         0.28
           1         1000      2963.90      2964.34      2964.18
           2         1000      2964.58      2965.27      2965.12
           4         1000      2957.89      2960.70      2960.34
           8         1000      2957.16      2957.48      2957.41
          16         1000      1476.52      1477.29      1476.92
          32         1000      1262.78      1264.01      1263.42
          64         1000      1777.36      1781.58      1780.73
         128         1000      3179.43      3184.41      3182.70
         256         1000      5585.14      5590.76      5588.06
         512         1000      9305.17      9314.22      9309.76
        1024         1000     15080.38     15095.19     15087.83
        2048         1000     26654.10     26680.41     26667.36
        4096         1000     51284.44     51335.00     51310.00
        8192         1000    128715.45    128845.60    128781.31
       16384         1000    268331.78    268600.18    268467.99
       32768         1000    523252.38    523771.30    523512.56
       65536          640   1026546.88   1028134.76   1027342.31
      131072          320   2032981.61   2039325.76   2036150.23
      262144          160   4036154.11   4061263.87   4048673.85
      524288           80   7985005.01   8084825.39   8034942.12
     1048576           40  15676708.42  16074075.63  15875796.81
     2097152           20  30574097.00  32172253.91  31373789.00
     4194304           < never completes, no results reported >

Voltaire MPI results:

[0] # Benchmarking Allgatherv
[0] # #processes = 128
[0] # ( 128 additional processes waiting in MPI_Barrier)
[0] #----------------------------------------------------------------
[0]        #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
[0]             0         1000         0.15         0.17         0.15
[0]             1         1000       491.80       492.27       491.93
[0]             2         1000       442.39       442.77       442.49
[0]             4         1000       422.91       423.79       423.20
[0]             8         1000       491.78       492.04       491.88
[0]            16         1000       493.50       494.55       493.82
[0]            32         1000       439.22       439.80       439.55
[0]            64         1000       474.54       475.11       474.80
[0]           128         1000       520.39       521.44       520.73
[0]           256         1000       480.01       480.57       480.26
[0]           512         1000       802.98       803.68       803.27
[0]          1024         1000      1501.60      1502.54      1502.19
[0]          2048         1000      2863.70      2867.45      2864.90
[0]          4096         1000      4990.05      4990.86      4990.49
[0]          8192         1000      7508.46      7513.27      7511.21
[0]         16384         1000     17513.71     17523.39     17519.27
[0]         32768         1000     26655.31     26664.25     26659.42
[0]         65536          640     46089.07     46122.00     46106.04
[0]        131072          320     93248.85     93381.15     93319.76
[0]        262144          160    187527.89    188133.28    187883.96
[0]        524288           80    366881.26    369236.00    368337.76
[0]       1048576           40    663046.35    667853.38    665697.79
[0]       2097152           20   1324301.75   1345114.85   1335772.46
[0]       4194304           10   2593647.10   2662831.10   2633482.66

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Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic, Pjesa
Graduate Research Assistant
Innovative Computing Laboratory
Computer Science Department, UTK
Claxton Complex 350
(865) 974 - 6722 (865) 974 - 6321

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        Enough research will tend to support your theory.

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