I basically agree with Terry, even if your proposal would solve all the issue I currently face. I think we need to read the MPI2 standard to make sure we are not on the brink of breaking the standard.


On Jul 27, 2007, at 10:13 , Ralph Castain wrote:

On 7/27/07 7:58 AM, "Terry D. Dontje" <terry.don...@sun.com> wrote:

Ralph Castain wrote:

WHAT: Proposal to add two new command line options that will allow us to replace the current need to separately launch a persistent daemon to
       support connect/accept operations

WHY: Remove problems of confusing multiple allocations, provide a cleaner
       method for connect/accept between jobs

WHERE: minor changes in orterun and orted, some code in rmgr and each pls
       to ensure the proper jobid and connect info is passed to each
       app_context as it is launched

It is my opinion that we would be better off attacking the issues of
the persistent daemons described below then creating a new set of
options to mpirun for process placement.  (more comments below on
the actual proposal).

Non-trivial problems - we haven't figured them out in three years of
occasional effort. It isn't clear that they even -can- be solved when
considering the problem of running in multiple RM-based allocations.

I'll try to provide more detail on the problems when I return from my quick

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