
I am a newbie to OpenMPI and started digging into code base.
I am trying to add a new component to MTL(mca/mtl/). I assumed adding a new component to MTL, is no different than adding a component to BTL
and followed slides below to do so.

Also, defined
mca_mycomponent_init(bool enable_progress_threads, bool enable_mpi_threads), as mentioned in ( http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/devel/2007/09/2294.php ),
which for now only returns success.

Then ...
   $ompi-trunk/configure --prefix=<install-path>
seems to generate relavant make file.

$ make all install
doesn't compile my component. Is there something I am missing ?
Any ideas or documentation I should be reading.

thanks in advance,

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