On Oct 25, 2007, at 10:35 AM, Gleb Natapov wrote:

I don't think xrc should be used by default even if HW supports it. Only if
special config option is set xrc should be attempted.


And xrc availability
can be tested in runtime without additional options in ini file.

Is there a flag on the device / port that indicates XRC availability?

I don't know iWarp enough to tell if it is possible to find out in
runtime if rdma_cm is mandatory or other means of connection
establishment can be used, but if there is no way to do it, then new
parameter "hca_type" could be added to ini file with two possible
values "ib" and "iwarp".

Yes, there is a flag on either the device or port (I forget which) which indicates whether it's an iwarp or IB device. I think (at least for today) we can assume that all iWARP devices require RDMA CM -- right, iWARP guys?

So do you want the arbitration rules for which CPC to be used to be hard-coded in the openib component (possibly overridden by MCA parameter to force a specific selection)?

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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